After her project in the Maldives, the “Zwerver I” mobilized for the Hasbah II project in Saudi Arabia.
The vessel supported a backhoe dredger in the Hasbah Oilfield with her operations and carried out pullwire-lay installation works in shallow waters.
Duration of the project was approx. 7 months.
Our Multi Purpose DP-2 Support Vessel “Zwerver II” is still busy with pipeline trenching operations in shallow waters.
The vessel plays an important role on the project and shows her versatility.
Our Multi Purpose DP-1 support vessel “Zwerver III” was involved in the UXO investigation campaign on Hornsea-1 OWF in U.K.
The vessel was equipped with an workclass ROV to carry out the investigation. Also Multibeam surveys were done at the same time.
Boskalis Hirdes GmbH was the charterer of the vessel.
Our multi purpose support vessel “Zwerver I” finished her dredging support project on the Maldives.
The vessel was chartered by Van Oord Dredging & Marine Contractors and was mobilized the end of March 2017, straight after her long term Kuwait dredging project. (more…)
Our Multi Purpose DP-1 support vessel “Zwerver III” assisted Global Marine Services Ltd. during June 2017 with cable repairs at Bligh Bank OWF in Belgium.
Scope of work was Massflow excavation with a large massflow excavation tool.